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AsmodeusDate: Tuesday, 2010-06-22, 4:20 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 55
Reputation: 4
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This lesson is about creating, sustaining and dismissing/destroying servitors. A servitor is, in short, a lot of energy moulded into a shape and given some level of consciousness.
Once a servitor has been created it will grow, in energy as well in mind and intelligence, so remember, you are not just playing with the usual level of energy you play with, this thing will live, to an extent.

Whilst doing a bit of research for this piece, I came across an old Chaos Magick site in my bookmarks, and I gave some of the info a read and it brought back some old discussions and thoughts. From what I remember and have re-read of Chaos Magick, the view is shared that a servitor is a sigil given large quantities of energy, thus taking on new levels of existence. I personally disagree, so this lesson will be based around my own ideas and views of what a servitor is, later discussion will undoubtedly meander over to other beliefs.

Creating a servitor
This will be done in a step-by-step from to make it easy to comprehend.

1. Ground and centre yourself, start meditating and relax

2. Draw energy into yourself, well it up in your stomach/solar plexus region, and add more and more until you have a strong and dense ball of energy.

3. Move the energy from your body, constantly pushing your energy out to it, making it stronger. Shape the ball of energy into the shape of any corporal being that you think fits you; it doesn't necessarily have to be a shape that we know today.

4. Program the energy with traits you want this creature to have. This includes personality, its main purpose (i.e. healing), whether it gains energy naturally whilst existing or relies upon your own energy (I suggest the latter unless you are keeping a close eye and firm grip on the servitor. If you make the servitor self-sustaining it is best to put safety measures in place, such as a limit to how powerful in can get and where it draws its power from) etc

5. This is where it gets harder to explain. You have to give the creature consciousness, this can be done a few ways, and I will explore the shortest. Open yourself up so you can feel the energy-being with ease, and then let it become one with your mind, whilst still being separate energy, and then slowly allow it to gain things of your mind, mimic them, the ability to think, move at will etc, but do not let it be able to disobey a command.

6. Un-merge your minds, it should now be a conscious entity, the level of its intelligence and consciousness is dependent on how much you have given it. Here is a good point to name your servitor, however, it is not mandatory to do so, you can feel and speak to it by just knowing its energy, however a name is helpful.

Congratulations, you have created a servitor.

Sustaining a servitor
Sustaining a servitor is simple; you pretty much just push energy into it. A servitor can be made to be self-sustaining, as explained above.
When you wish to give the servitor energy, just feel for it with your mind and energy, it will help here if it is named, and then push energy into it. It isn't necessary, but you can program the energy to do a specific thing, induce a passion in archaeology or make it learn how to do the Mexican hat dance (two random examples).
Be careful not to allow your servitor to gain more strength than you have. Servitors, when kept around and allowed to grow in intelligence can prove to be very good company and long term friends, as their intelligence and experience grows you can have great in depth conversations with them, the only problem I have found is they tend to share your views, being of you and everything, so arguments and debates aren't too easy.

Communicating with a servitor
If you have named your servitor, this will be a little easier, however, it can be done just by feel.

When you have first created your servitor and it is within the same room as you, push out to its mind with your energy, and push thoughts across with the energy as well, such as ''hi'' that's always a good opening line. Very quickly a connection will build and you won't need to consciously push energy out to talk with it, just thoughts directed at it will be enough.

Presuming you have made this servitor to do work away from you, you will need some way of extending a link to wherever it is, or calling it to you. If you know exactly how the connection you built earlier feels you can just push more energy into that and then push thoughts through it.
I prefer to talk face to face with my servitors. For this it is best to have a name, if you have named your servitor you will have to push out to the name-and thus the particular being- with your energy. The servitor generally knows to come running when you do this, if not, push harder and harder until they do come.
If you haven't named your servitor, you will need to have a good understanding of how the servitors' energy feels, and then push out to them. Even if you are a bit wrong with the energy, someone else' servitor, thoughtform, godform or anything isn't going to come knocking, they will know they aren't meant to, and the link you have built will help guide the energy anyway.

When you have got the servitor with you, just do the usual, push thoughts to it and if you are extending the existing connection just push thoughts through it. All these things will become easier with time, your connection will become stronger and you will be able to talk when it is further and further away.

Destroying a servitor
There are only a few reasons I think that render destruction of a servitor necessary, one is it grows too strong, another is it becomes someone you really don't like, and finally, if it has absolutely and utterly become useless. If there is some chance in the near future you will need the servitor for the task you have set it, keep it, it takes a lot less energy.

There are a few ways to destroy a servitor, however I think this is the best, as you don't destroy the body before the mind.

1. First off just sit comfortably and relax, meditate, and then call your servitor to you.

2. Open yourself up, much the same way when you gave it life, let it commingle with you, feel its consciousness, then draw away from it, taking this consciousness with you, thus rendering it an empty shell.

3. Undo the programming in the now-empty shell of energy, so it will just be a floating blob of energy.

4. Take the energy into yourself and get a nice little boost from it.

Chaos magick cannot be defined because then it would have order and therefore no longer be chaos

Message edited by Asmodeus - Tuesday, 2010-06-22, 4:25 PM
bookmistressDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-23, 5:57 AM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 94
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
seems like a basic skill to me cool

KuroDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-23, 8:48 AM | Message # 3
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Servitors would have to be one of your favorite topics Book. Lol

bookmistressDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-23, 9:42 AM | Message # 4
Group: Moderators
Messages: 94
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yes it is

LuziferDate: Friday, 2010-06-25, 6:44 PM | Message # 5
Knowledge Seeker
Group: Administrators
Messages: 23
Reputation: 2
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very well written book! Servitors and shields are my specialties and I am thoroughly impressed by how well put together, clean and concise this was.


bookmistressDate: Friday, 2010-06-25, 8:53 PM | Message # 6
Group: Moderators
Messages: 94
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i didnt write this artical... i didnt start this post ... well umm yea

AsmodeusDate: Saturday, 2010-06-26, 3:03 AM | Message # 7
Group: Moderators
Messages: 55
Reputation: 4
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Luz I was actually nervous about putting this up because I know it's your forte and didn't wanna screw it up lol

Chaos magick cannot be defined because then it would have order and therefore no longer be chaos
bookmistressDate: Sunday, 2010-06-27, 4:47 AM | Message # 8
Group: Moderators
Messages: 94
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Status: Offline
you did well with this post... interesting methoud

chills969Date: Friday, 2017-01-06, 9:41 AM | Message # 9
Group: Users
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What advice would you give on dismissing or completely reprogramming a servitor that was instinctively and unintentionally created?
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