As everyone knows, your chakras are best kept open and outwardly flowing, they keep us in a happy form and emotionally stable, but there is another way their energies can be harnessed. This is very dangerous and can, at times, be VERY painful (paralysingly so), so if you are not comfortable with experimenting and feeling pain, DO NOT do this!! I will write this to the best of my memory after all it has been a fair while since I went through this process, which I actually thought of from a novel, amazing where our ideas come from isn't it?
Anyway, this process is basically inverting the chakras. You already know that the chakras can be opened and allow energy to flow through, keeping you emotionally stable and healthy, feeding happiness and the ability to deal with more negative situations with a joyful mind, this will do the opposite, where you feel confident and happy, you will feel hateful and angry, frustrated at every turn. When you start off you may only wish to do a few chakras at a time, all at once can overload you and bring about an emotional breakdown. If you are looking for a short experience with high emotional results, work on your higher chakras, solar plexus upwards.
To start, sit or lay down (I suggest laying down for this), and visualise the 7 main chakras (and others if you know and are comfortable with them), flowing and radiating light as they usually do. Then, slowly close one chakra at a time, once it is closed, begin to invert it. When doing this you need to use Universal Darkness, not shadows energy or anything that springs to mind when you think darkness, true, primal and original Darkness. What you are going to be doing is changing the direction the chakra naturally turns, so that the energy is not spiraling outwards, but instead drawing the negative energy in, holding all your ''dark'' emotions in. By the end you should see your chakra radiating a certain darkness, kind of in the way a black hole ''radiates'' darkness.
Again, this is VERY dangerous, not only to your emotional health and physical, but also to those around you. If you have violent tendencies, I suggest refraining from doing this until such a time you will not be around many people, if any. And if you are not experienced or do not feel confident in doing this, don't. During the time I had this going on for me I was able to do a great many things in different ways, which was great, but i could be talking to a friend at school and I would have to sit down and not move from the intense pain shooting through my chakras. This is not the natural state of being for your chakras, and over time they will slowly revert back to their normal way of being. To open them again, do the opposite process than I described.