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3 Musts to Casting a Spell
Lady_SnowDate: Monday, 2010-06-28, 10:00 PM | Message # 1
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People ask why their spells didn't work and how to get it to work if they try again.
I always give them this simple answer:

Follow the 3 musts of casting.

3 Musts of Casting a Spell:

Understanding- know what it is you're doing/casting and all the consequences involved.

Will- you must want it to happen.

Belief- know it will happen, no doubts.

Others occasionally enjoy adding to the 3 musts I've spanned out because casting spells takes a great deal of various things and if someone would like to add a little something please feel free to do so.

This was just the very basic needs to cast a spell and it actually work.

Within temptation, I fall behind.

Message edited by Lady_Snow - Monday, 2010-06-28, 10:00 PM
AsmodeusDate: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 10:37 AM | Message # 2
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I agree with this-although I must note these three only really apply to spells not all magick

Chaos magick cannot be defined because then it would have order and therefore no longer be chaos
Lady_SnowDate: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 11:59 AM | Message # 3
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Yep, that's why it is titled 3 Musts to Casting a Spell. lol

Within temptation, I fall behind.

Message edited by Lady_Snow - Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 11:59 AM
AsmodeusDate: Tuesday, 2010-06-29, 12:30 PM | Message # 4
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I know, I was just clarifying for those out there who either didn't read or didn't know the difference between spells and magick smile

Chaos magick cannot be defined because then it would have order and therefore no longer be chaos
Lady_SnowDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-30, 0:33 AM | Message # 5
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tongue Mr. Technicality

Within temptation, I fall behind.
LuziferDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-30, 3:59 AM | Message # 6
Knowledge Seeker
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good clarification asmod, and good info snow.

though I would disagree and say there are 4 musts to casting a spell, one that is not focused on near enough in most books/sites, and that is energy.

without energy, the spell is nothing but a wish, an unfulfilled wish at that.

so you might wanna Append your list to include energy. ^>^


AsmodeusDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-30, 12:25 PM | Message # 7
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I agree but disagree, energy is a must, but the reason most people do spells is because they can't manipulate energy properly/well and by using tools and props they are able to move those energies. Although often this is unknown to the caster

Chaos magick cannot be defined because then it would have order and therefore no longer be chaos
Lady_SnowDate: Wednesday, 2010-06-30, 5:17 PM | Message # 8
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I agree with what Asmodeus said.
Spells are used to direct and manipulate energy.

And in the end, a simple prayer can easily be considered a spell.

So I still keep my 3 "musts" as energy is a given, it's always there as the ones I listed have to be consciously added.

Within temptation, I fall behind.
bookmistressDate: Sunday, 2010-07-04, 0:09 AM | Message # 9
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sadly i have no comment for this post except that i agree to disagree happy

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