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8 Sabbats of the Year
Lady_SnowDate: Sunday, 2010-06-27, 3:45 AM | Message # 1
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Messages: 52
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Wicca has its own holidays, these are called the 8 Sabbats; often times these "holidays" are celebrated by people of other religions/beliefs.

These days are commonly shown by a large circle separated into 8 parts each of which representing one of the Sabbats; this circular graph if you will- is called the Wheel of the Year.

Each Sabbat is held on a day cherished for its time in the year.
A few of the 8 Sabbats even have their own spiritual meaning or value signifying a time of year perfect for worshiping/praising the arrival/departure of a god or entity (usually of Wiccan belief).

Added (2010-06-27, 3:33 Am)
Pronounced (Sow-wan)
- "All Souls Night"
- "All veils between worlds are the thinnest"
Held: October 31

This is an ancient Holiday, the First Principal Celtic Festival originally celebrated as the "final harvest".
This holiday is what is now known as modern day Halloween.
Celebrate now Samhain, honoring death... Winter is here.
Samhain signifies the the darkest nights of the year so in celebration bonfires, and festive lights were lit to shine through the coming darkness.


"This is a time, when we reflect on the year that has passed, and we begin to focus on the upcoming year.....and what we want to bring into our lives, and the changes we need to make to continually grow spiritually...."

<a class="link" href="" title="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">


Added (2010-06-27, 3:36 Am)
- Winter Solstice
Held: December 21 & December 22
Yule is Norse for Wheel.
Yule is celebrated as the end of long nights and short, as the daytime would once more become longer.
Celebrated just before modern day Christmas.


"Burn Yule Fire
burn hot and bright,
and may you last the longest night.
Until the break of mid-winter's morn,
when once again, the sun's reborn."
~ Iolo

Added (2010-06-27, 3:40 Am)
Pronounced (Im-molc)
- "Festival of Purification"
- "Festival of Lights"
Held: February 2

A Pagan holiday...
One of the Greater Sabbats this day marks the end of the darker half of the year and beginning of the lighter half; in other words, and Spring is just around the corner now.
Brigit, "the Triple Goddess", now arrives from her journey to the Underworld.


"In the belly
Lies the power, to defeat
Even the darkest hour-
Reach inside to ignite the flame
that burns bright
with the sound of
her name- Brighid!
Blessings to all this Imbolc!"
~ Leanne Peters & Allison Staley-Sisk

Added (2010-06-27, 3:41 Am)
-Spring Equinox
- Christianity's Easter
Held: March 21

Spring begins, life begins, and the Sun God Rises once more. The planet becomes lush in green and the flowers spread the rebirth of a new year.
Winter ends, death fades.


" Darkness creeps away as the earth is reborn- Where one life has withered, another will form. The wheel turns again, to welcome Spring, rise and shine to the new gifts it shall bring!
Blessings to all this Ostara!"
~ Leannne Peters & Allison Staley Sisk

Added (2010-06-27, 3:42 Am)
- May Day (modern times)
- Beltaine
- "Fire of Bel"
- "Bright Fire"
Held: April 30 through May 1

Second Principal Celtic Festival
This day is held halfway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.
The Summer approaches as this day honors life itself.

Added (2010-06-27, 3:43 Am)
- Midsummer
- Saitn John's Eve
- Summer Solstice
Held: June 20 through June 22

Longest day and the shortest night await this holiday's coming; this is the official first day of Summer.
Today when the Sun goes down, tis marks the beginnings of the Harvest Season.

Added (2010-06-27, 3:44 Am)
prounounced (LOO-nus-uh)
- August Gaelic Festival
Held: July 31 and August 1/2

Honor the Celtic Sun God, Lugh
This holiday simply celebrates the first reaping of the new Harvest Season.


"Lughnasadh is a time to do prosperity magick. Spells for connectedness, career, health, and financial gain. It is a time to reflect, and release our fears and to give energy to our hopes, dreams and desires."

Added (2010-06-27, 3:45 Am)
And Finally...
- Autumn Equinox
- "Harvest Home"
- Thanksgiving (modern day)
Held: September 20 through September 23

As the Wheel of the Year goes 'round we come to the final of the Sabbats, Mabon. In praise of the god Mabon this holiday signifies yet again the arrival of a darker time as the year draws on- night and day have become equal for this moment. A good Harvest is held in celebration for hard work over the past year.
This is the Second Harvest Festival

Within temptation, I fall behind.

Message edited by Lady_Snow - Sunday, 2010-06-27, 3:45 AM
bookmistressDate: Monday, 2010-06-28, 1:28 PM | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 94
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wow quotey :P

Lady_SnowDate: Monday, 2010-06-28, 9:50 PM | Message # 3
Group: Checked
Messages: 52
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
dry Yes, I just thought it'd be good to do quotes for something like this.

Within temptation, I fall behind.
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