I read in a book about Nocturnal Magic and it had a grid explaining different personality types as far as light - dark, and good - evil. I came to an understanding I was good - dark (I can post about the grid if you'd like). As for black or white I prefer black magic as white magic is too easily miscalculated and I rarely use any spells or such as it is. Within temptation, I fall behind.
I use both as i create a balance within myself. Yes my dark may at this point in time be slightly more overbalanced then my light but alas this is because of circumstances. Each has there use, each has there purpose and they cannot exist without each other. evil in a nice way
Although I do admit not putting forth much effort to balance them within me. Darkness suits my life better so I keep it more "nourished" as than I do light.
I use both as i create a balance within myself. Yes my dark may at this point in time be slightly more overbalanced then my light but alas this is because of circumstances. Each has there use, each has there purpose and they cannot exist without each other.
What she said.
Chaos magick cannot be defined because then it would have order and therefore no longer be chaos